Rabu, Januari 21, 2009

Mr. Barack Husein Obama, Why are you silent??

Dear Mr. Barack Husein Obama,

Congratulations for being the USA president!

I saw your inauguration in TV . And one of my concerns was I’m waiting for your comment about genocide in Gaza.

But to be frank, I really disappointed with you.
I didn’t hear any single word came out from your mouth about Gaza. Why are you silent?

You have ever said that if rockets were being fired at your home while your two daughters were sleeping, you would do everything you could to prevent it.

One simple question for you Mr. Obama, what would you do if you, your wife, your two daughters and many, many others were living in house on gazan side that was blocked for supplies of basic neccesities, fuel and medicine? Would you defend yourself?
what would you have done? woud you let israel continue its ruthless genocide?

There are more than 1,300 people have been killed in palestine.
They are not a terrorist. They are just an ordinary human beings like us.

And now the ball is in you hand.
You have a power to stop the conflict.


Rabu, Januari 07, 2009

Yang Terlupakan..

If a man could be two places at one time I'll be with you...
Tomorrow and Today beside you all the way
(IF - Bread)

Entah apa yang ada difikiranku sehingga lagi-lagi untuk kesekian kalinya aku kembali terlupakan momen bersejarah dibulan Januari ini buat Istriku.. bidadariku....

Ya, dibulan ini, tanggal 4 Januari adalah tanggal dimana Bidadariku dilahirkan..Dan sekarang sudah tanggal 7, tiba-tiba saja tadi pagi saat perjalanan menuju kantor aku teringat kalau di bulan ini Bidadariku berulang tahun...;sudah lewat 3 hari dan belum ada sepatah katapun terlontar dari bibirku walau sekedar
mengucapkan selamat sebagai tanda syukur atas karunia yang telah Allah berikan.. Terlalu! (mode Rhoma Irama ..on)

Semakin bertambah usia dalam bilangan dan itu berarti semakin berkurang kebersamaan kami di dunia ini...

Ya Allah, ampuni jika aku belum dapat menjaga amanah-Mu sebaik tuntunan sunah Rasul-Mu
Hangatkan selalu Cinta kami...
Hiasi hari-hari kami dengan penuh kecintaan yang didasari kecintaan kami kepada-Mu...
Dan dengan Izin-Mu ya Allah, pertemukanlah kami kembali kelak di Surga-Mu....

Then one by one the stars will all go out
Then You and I would simply fly away...